WhatsApp has become one of the most popular messaging platforms in the world, with over 2 billion active users. Its ease of use, flexibility and encryption capabilities have made it many people’s communication tool of choice.
However, sometimes you may find yourself wondering if you’ve been blocked by one of your WhatsApp contacts – a friend, family member, coworker, etc. There are a few telltale signs on both iPhone and Android devices that can help you determine if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp.
Method 1: Checking Last Seen and Online Status
One of the easiest ways to tell if you’ve been blocked on WhatsApp is to check the person’s “Last Seen” and online status.
Last Seen
When you are blocked by someone, you will no longer be able to see their last seen status or when they were last online. Instead, it will show “You and this contact exchanged messages long ago” or “Yesterday” without showing a specific time.
If you suddenly notice this change in status for a contact, it likely means you’ve been blocked. However, do keep in mind that they may have also manually disabled their last seen and online visibility in their WhatsApp privacy settings.
Online Status
Similarly, you won’t be able to see if a contact is actively online if you are blocked. It will perpetually show them as offline, even when you know they are actively using WhatsApp.
Again, this doesn’t definitively mean you’re blocked, as they could always be online with WhatsApp Web which doesn’t update the online status. But combined with the “last seen” change, it becomes a clearer sign.
Method 2: Profile Photo Disappears
In addition to last seen and online status changes, a contact blocking you on WhatsApp will also make their profile photo disappear from the chat window.
Where you used to see their picture, you’ll now just see a generic grey avatar icon. This happens simultaneously when the “last seen” status gets hidden after being blocked.
However, do keep in mind that if the person has deleted their WhatsApp account itself, that would also cause their profile photo to disappear in a similar way. So this by itself doesn’t conclusively mean you were blocked specifically.
Method 3: One Check Mark for Sent Messages
Here is one of the more definitive signs you can use to determine if you were blocked on WhatsApp.
Normally, when you send a message on WhatsApp, a single grey check mark appears when it is delivered successfully, and then two blue check marks show up when it is read.
However, if you are blocked by the recipient, your messages will forever stay stuck with just the single grey check mark. The messages may send successfully from your device but the recipient will never receive them or generate a read receipt.
Unlike the last seen/online status changes, this is unambiguous proof that you have been blocked or at least heavily restricted by that contact if your messages never get the second blue check.
Method 4: Calls Go Straight to Voicemail
Trying to call someone who has blocked you on WhatsApp will typically go straight to voicemail. The call will fail to connect almost instantly, usually within 1-2 rings max.
This would likely happen if you try calling them through WhatsApp on both mobile data or WiFi networks, with call failure on each attempt.
As long as you are positive they have strong cellular reception at their end, failed calls that go straight to voicemail are a reliable indicator of being blocked.
However, this method does not work to reveal blocking if the contact has disabled voicemail through their local carrier. The call will simply fail to go through without ringing or reaching voicemail.
Method 5: Your Messages are “Undelivered”
Along with one check marks, seeing undelivered messages is another clear-cut sign that a WhatsApp user has blocked you.
When a message fails to even send and is stuck at the “clock” status, it means it was not permitted to get delivered by the app. This “undelivered” state typically points to the recipient having blocked you.
Messages that get delivered can have one check mark, but chats stuck perpetually at the clock symbol mean they were outright blocked before the initial routing through WhatsApp’s servers.
In rare cases there may be legitimate connectivity issues that cause temporary undelivered messages. But if the situation persists for several hours or days, the likely culprit is that you have been blocked on WhatsApp by that user.
Method 6: Creating a New Group Doesn’t Add Them
Here is a quick trick you can use to test if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp or not:
Try creating a new group and adding that contact to the group participants list. When adding members who have blocked you, an error message saying “Couldn’t add this contact” will pop up.
This offers definitive proof that the contact has blocked you outright on WhatsApp. Do note that if your own activity is restricted due to violations, you may encounter an error even if the other person has not blocked you.
Method 7: Your Contact Info Disappears
For iPhone users specifically, there is one additional visual cue that can signal a blocked contact on WhatsApp.
If you head over to your phone’s regular Contacts app outside WhatsApp, find their listing and tap on it, normally you would see profile info like their phone number and email address if they had shared it with you.
But if they’ve blocked you within WhatsApp itself, that contact card in the Contacts app will suddenly show no profile phone number, email or other details. Those details don’t automatically disappear unless they’ve blocked you specifically.
This is an iPhone exclusive quirk due to how the apps integrate on iOS. But on its own or together with the other signs, it can act as an indicator of no longer having access to that contact due to blocking.
Method 8: You Get “Suspicious Code” Notifications
If someone blocks your number due to potential spam behavior, WhatsApp’s servers can sometimes flag your account as “suspicious” due to potential Terms of Service violations.
In such cases, even your properly authenticated account can exhibit issues like undelivered messages due to restrictions placed automatically post-blocking.
You’ll also notice when this happens as WhatsApp may lock registration of your mobile number with a “Suspicious Code” error when inputting the 6 digit SMS verification code.
This is more extreme than a regular user-initiated block though, and indicates violations significant enough for backend restrictions. Still, it functionally serves as similar proof that you lost permissions to message someone over WhatsApp.
Method 9: Third-Party Block Checkers Don’t Work
Over the years, various websites and apps have popped up claiming to detect WhatsApp blocks. However, it’s important to note that these third-party tools do not work, as confirmed officially by WhatsApp as well.
Due to encryption and privacy reasons, WhatsApp does not allow outside apps to access internal data to determine your block status.
So while the promise of instantly detecting a block seems enticing, most of these tools tend to be unreliable at best or completely fraudulent. Stick to the earlier methods listed out above if you need to determine blocked status.
Method 10: Signing Back In to WhatsApp Web Session
Finally, here is one bonus tip: if you use WhatsApp Web scanned sessions, signing out and back into the web app can also reveal a block.
Normally WhatsApp Web maintains signed in devices even if the phone app logs out. But if your main mobile account gets blocked by someone, reauthenticating WhatsApp Web using the QR code will fail.
A perpetual loading loop means the currently signed-in mobile device has lost access privileges due to blocking by other users.
This WhatsApp Web technique provides reliable secondary confirmation to complement the other signals a device itself may show if you are blocked.
Determining Reasons for The Block
Getting blocked on WhatsApp can be unpleasant and leave you with unanswered questions about exactly why it happened.
While the technical signals of recognizing blocks are covered earlier, determining the context behind them is harder without confronting the blocker directly.
Here are some common reasons why someone might block you on WhatsApp and tips around handling the situation.
Reason 1: Spam or Unwanted Messages
Excessive messages perceived as bothersome or intrusive is one of the most common triggers for getting blocked on WhatsApp.
- If you messaged someone excessively without reply, tried texting at inappropriate hours, or contacted someone who expressly asked you not to, it can cause a block.
- Random people getting your number from public directories can also risk sending spam that initiates blocks.
- In these cases, picking up on social cues to avoid pestering behaviors and not overmessaging unwilling recipients can help prevent blocks.
Reason 2: Political/Religious Differences
Sending provocative chats around sensitive topics like politics, religion, or social issues can also spark an impulsive block from those with opposing viewpoints.
- Treading carefully around hot button conversations, showing tolerance for different opinions, and avoiding questionable content link sharing reduces these risks.
- If you still get blocked, it may be challenging to reconcile severe ideological differences of worldviews. But avoiding toxic disputes from the start makes that less likely.
Reason 3: Toxic Conversations
Beyond specific differences in ideology, a degraded quality of conversation filled with toxic negativity, unhealthy dynamics, simmering tensions or passive aggression can also trigger relationship breakdowns that lead to blocks.
- If you sense conversations consistently leave the other party feeling upset or offended rather than understood, a block may come when they decide enough is enough.
- Look inward at improving how you handle difficult conversations and treat the other person first before assessing if toxic chat patterns unintentionally caused a block.
Reason 4: Online Safety Concerns
In some cases, people initiate blocks on messaging apps due to concerns around online safety and potential contact from suspicious unknown numbers.
- Getting messages out of the blue from numbers not saved in your contacts can trigger blocks, especially for groups more vulnerable to harassment like women.
- Making relationship initiation behaviors less intrusive and offputting to avoid giving off digital creeper vibes can help avoid overly defensive blocks.
Reason 5: Relationship Breakdowns
With friends, family or romantic partners, gradual relationship breakdowns over time related to unresolved issues can build up and eventually cascade suddenly into a block without obvious warning signs.
- Reflecting on lingering tensions that never got addressed or poor conflict management skills can shed light on why communication channels may have reached a breaking point for the other party to block you.
- In these cases, seeking counseling, reestablishing boundaries or resetting expectations may be necessary before attempting contact again post-block.
Reason 6: Accidental Touches
In some cases, a WhatsApp block can happen entirely accidentally, especially with in-pocket touches or kids playing with parent devices unattended.
- If the block came suddenly without logical explanation, it may well have been an accidental UI interaction instead of intentional choice.
- Reaching out politely through secondary channels to check if it was a mistake could clarify the odd block situation.
Remember that reasons people block others are context dependent and guessing motives without asking directly could just create false narratives. Evaluate carefully before making conclusions.
When To Walk Away From A Block
While disturbing, some blocks don’t necessarily warrant intervention if boundaries were reasonable to set for one’s own safety or well-being.
Learn how to identify situations where accepting the block with poise is better for disengaging cleanly from strained relationships:
Patterns of Disrespect
If long standing issues in the relationship around lack of respect, empathy or support kept occurring without signs of change, a block may signal time to move on.
Pushing confrontation post-block rarely improves entitlement behaviors or communication skills in others overnight. Accept it may be wisest to walk away.
Safety Protecting Boundaries
If certain behaviors made them feel genuinely unsafe or intruded on privacy, respect the blockade put in place instead of pleading your case.
Overruling people’s personal security or space risks further violation of trust and harm instead of reconciliation.
Signs of Manipulation
Likewise if calls to unblock you involve emotional blackmail, dramatic pleas or attempts to obligate contact through guilt or shame, take it as manipulation red flags.
Pressuring reconciliation on entitled terms often spirals relationships further into toxicity. Know when to back away and let the block stand.
Essentially if someone’s blocking you was the healthiest decision for their life, inserting yourself forcibly back into it undoes that benefit, tempting though it may be. Consider your influence judiciously.
When To Try Reconciling A Block
That said, not all blocks imply burned bridges. If you believe the situation stems from innocent misunderstandings or feel you still have a constructive role to play in that person’s life, more proactive reconnection attempts may be worthwhile despite the block.
- Apologize Genuinely: If your actions triggered the block reasonably or unintentionally, heartfelt apologies to make amends can dissolve anger on the other side. These signal self-awareness to earn back trust.
- Give Space Initially: Early on after a confusing block, bombarding other channels only aggravates frustration. Give a short cooling off period first. Follow up later politely so new boundaries can be communicated.
- Offer Reassurance: Vocal reassurance that poor behaviors will change or troubling triggers will be avoided can reassure the blocker their needs will be respected moving forward.
Promise compromise over confrontation.
In general if both parties wish to continue the relationship, blocks created out of temporary circumstances can be reversed through honesty, responsibility and maturity to prioritize mutual understanding.
WhatsApp Access Revoked? Regaining Access To Your Account
On occasion when logging into your WhatsApp account, you may encounter unusual errors or login issues like getting stuck on “Verifying number” or “Connecting to server” messages during authentication.
This can mean your access to even your own WhatsApp account has been cut off due to security triggers related to suspicious activity, spanning:
- Too many verification code attempt failures
- Signing in from unauthorized devices
- Potential spam behavior flags from abnormal usage
Essentially your credentials seem compromised or abuse-prone, so WhatsApp locks down access privileges pending manual review.
Unlike a direct block from specific contacts, this has more serious implications that your entire account was flagged overall.
Solving WhatsApp Access Blocks
If you suddenly cannot login to your WhatsApp properly, here are some tips to regain access:
- Use Alternative Networks: Try using mobile data instead of WiFi or vice versa when entering the SMS verification code. This tricks the system into allowing another attempt thinking you are in a new location.
- Contact WhatsApp Support: You can submit an email ticket to WhatsApp describing your situation of being locked out of your own account. They may review factors like your phone IMEI, number ownership proof etc. to withdraw restrictions.
- Wait For Cool Off: In some cases resolutions can take weeks pending internal reviews. Severe spam offenses may lead to permanent bans too, but simple usage mistakes could self-correct after short waiting periods for flags to expire.
Getting your WhatsApp account revoked entirely is certainly more disruptive than a single chat being blocked. But patiently following protocol to verify legitimate access often clears up temporary security holds or suspensions.
Final Advice On Managing WhatsApp Blocks
Being blocked on WhatsApp can be perplexing but is rarely the end of the road, unless circumstances were already unhealthy enough to permanently sever communication channels as a needed boundary.
Here are some final tips to manage the situation smoothly:
- Don’t assume you know reasons for the block without asking directly. Speculating motives risks false narratives.
- If you initiate reconciliation, ensure the terms are healthy and centered around mutual understanding rather than entitlement.
- Consider walking away altogether if patterns of disrespect or manipulation make further relationship commerce feel unethical.
- For accidental or temporary blocks, giving space before apologizing genuinely often resolves most issues.
- Getting locked out as an entire account by WhatsApp itself requires cooperation with support staff by proving number ownership and safe usage.
At the end of the day, blocking behaviors usually imply some underlying conflicts or mismatches. Whether you attempt to regain access, meet halfway or start disengaging depends greatly on contextual factors.
Tread judiciously by avoiding knee jerk reactions. Assess your influence, responsibility and potential toxicity in escalations soberly before deciding optimal responses. Empathetic detachment goes a long way.
With tact and patience, even blocks don’t need to represent permanent barriers to reconciling most well intentioned relationships. Evaluate your scope for positive impact taking all perspectives into account when charting a path forward.