Track Someone Location With Phone Number

Tracking someone’s location with a phone number might sound like a complex task, but it’s more accessible than you think. Whether you’re a concerned parent, a friend trying to connect, or a business monitoring employees, various tools and methods can help you achieve this goal. From free online websites to specialized tracking apps, this guide will explore the best ways to track a phone number.

We’ll also delve into the ethical considerations and provide insights into what’s missing in current tracking solutions. Let’s dive in!

Is it Possible to Track Someone Location With Phone Number

Yes, tracking someone’s location with a phone number is indeed possible, and it’s become a common practice in various scenarios. Here’s how it works:

Technology Behind Phone Number Tracking

Modern smartphones are equipped with GPS technology that allows precise location tracking. By using this technology in conjunction with mobile network data, it’s possible to pinpoint a person’s exact location.

How Is It Done?

There are several methods to track a phone number’s location:

  1. Using Built-in Features: Many smartphones have built-in features that allow location sharing with trusted contacts. For example, Google Maps offers a location-sharing option.
  2. Third-Party Apps: Various apps are designed specifically for location tracking. Apps like mSpy, Cocospy, and others provide detailed location information, including real-time tracking and location history.
  3. Network Providers: In some cases, mobile network providers may assist in locating a phone number, especially in emergency situations.

Tracking a phone number’s location is not only possible but relatively straightforward with the right tools and understanding of the legal boundaries. Whether for personal safety, parental control, or business needs, this technology offers valuable insights and peace of mind. Always ensure that you have the proper consent and are using these tools responsibly.

Why People Want to Track Phone Numbers

People track phone numbers for various reasons, each serving different needs and interests. Here’s a look at some of the most common motivations:

  1. Finding Lost Devices: Misplacing a phone can be stressful. Tracking the phone number can help locate the device quickly, providing peace of mind.
  2. Parental Control: Parents often want to ensure their children’s safety. Tracking their phone numbers allows parents to know where their kids are, especially during emergencies.
  3. Business Management: Employers may track employees’ phone numbers to monitor their location during work hours. It helps in managing remote teams and ensuring that employees are at their designated work sites.
  4. Emergency Situations: In urgent situations, tracking a loved one’s phone number can be vital. It can provide real-time location data, aiding in rescue or support.
  5. Preventing Fraud: Tracking phone numbers can also be a tool against fraud or theft. It can help in identifying suspicious activities linked to a specific number.
  6. Social Connections: Friends and family might use tracking to coordinate meet-ups or check on each other’s well-being.

Understanding these reasons helps in choosing the right tracking method and ensures that the tracking is done responsibly and ethically. Whether for personal, professional, or safety reasons, tracking phone numbers has become an essential part of modern connectivity.

Ethical Considerations and Legality

Tracking a phone number, while useful in many scenarios, also raises significant ethical considerations and legal issues. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Consent: If you’re tracking someone’s location, obtaining their explicit consent is not only ethical but often legally required. Tracking without permission can be seen as an invasion of privacy.
  2. Legal Compliance: Different jurisdictions have varying laws regarding tracking and privacy. It’s essential to understand and comply with the legal requirements in your area. Unauthorized tracking might lead to legal consequences.
  3. Purpose of Tracking: The reason behind tracking a phone number must be legitimate. Tracking for malicious purposes, stalking, or harassment is both unethical and illegal.
  4. Data Security: If you’re using tracking tools, ensuring that the data is secure and not misused is a significant responsibility. Mishandling or leaking location data can lead to trust issues and legal liabilities.
  5. Transparency: If tracking is part of a business process, such as employee monitoring, clear policies and transparency with the tracked individuals are vital. They should know what is being tracked and why.
  6. Respecting Boundaries: Even with consent, it’s crucial to respect personal boundaries and use tracking judiciously. Continuous monitoring without a valid reason can strain personal relationships and create mistrust.
  7. Use of Authorized Tools: Utilizing legitimate and authorized tools for tracking ensures that the process aligns with legal standards. Unauthorized or malicious tools can lead to legal troubles.

Tracking a phone number is a sensitive matter that requires careful consideration of ethics and legality. Whether you’re an individual or a business, understanding these aspects and acting responsibly can help you utilize tracking in a way that respects individual privacy and complies with the law.

Free vs. Paid Solutions

When it comes to tracking phone numbers, both free and paid solutions are available, each with its own set of features and limitations. Here’s a comparison to help you choose the right option for your needs:

Free Solutions

  • Accessibility: Free solutions are readily available and can be a good starting point for basic tracking needs.
  • Features: Generally, free tracking tools offer standard features like location tracking, but advanced functionalities might be limited.
  • Reliability: While some free tools are reliable, others may lack accuracy or consistency in tracking.
  • Security: Free solutions might not always adhere to strict security protocols, potentially risking data privacy.
  • Support: Customer support and updates might be limited or non-existent with free tools.

Paid Solutions

  • Comprehensive Features: Paid tracking solutions often come with advanced features like real-time tracking, geofencing, and integration with other apps.
  • Accuracy: Paid tools usually provide more accurate and consistent tracking, utilizing advanced algorithms and technologies.
  • Security: Premium solutions often prioritize data security, ensuring that your information is protected and handled responsibly.
  • Customer Support: Paid services typically offer better customer support, including guides, tutorials, and direct assistance.
  • Subscription Models: Depending on the provider, various subscription models cater to different budgets and needs.

Choosing between free and paid tracking solutions depends on your specific requirements, budget, and expectations. Free solutions might be suitable for occasional or personal use, while paid options are often more reliable and feature-rich, making them ideal for professional or continuous tracking needs. Always consider factors like security, support, and the legitimacy of the tool, whether opting for a free or paid solution. By aligning your choice with your tracking goals, you can find a solution that offers the right balance of cost and functionality.

How to Track Someone’s Location With Phone Number: Step-by-Step Guide

Tracking someone’s location with a phone number can be done through various means. Here’s a concise step-by-step guide:

Using Google Maps

  1. Open Google Maps on your device.
  2. Sign In to your Google Account.
  3. Tap ‘Location Sharing’.
  4. Choose Who to Share With.
  5. Select Duration or share indefinitely.
  6. Request Location from the person you want to track.

Using Third-Party Apps (e.g., uMobix, mSpy)

  1. Choose an App that fits your needs.
  2. Download and Install the app.
  3. Follow Setup Instructions.
  4. Monitor the Location through the app’s dashboard.

Using Network Provider Services

  1. Contact Your Network Provider.
  2. Provide Necessary Information.
  3. Follow Provider’s Instructions for tracking.

Using Built-in Phone Features (e.g., Find My iPhone)

  1. Access the Built-in Feature.
  2. Sign In with the relevant account.
  3. Select the Device you want to track.
  4. View the Location on the map.

Using Social Media Platforms

  1. Request Location Sharing through platforms like Facebook Messenger.
  2. Ensure Consent from the person you’re tracking.
  3. View the Shared Location within the platform.

Tracking a phone number’s location is achievable through different methods, each with its own steps. Whether using Google Maps, third-party apps, network providers, built-in phone features, or social media, these steps provide a clear and straightforward way to track a location. Always ensure that you have proper consent and are acting within legal boundaries.

5 Best Phone Number Trackers Online Websites

Here’s an overview of the 5 best phone number trackers online, presented in the requested format:

1. Phone Location

Phone Location offers global tracking across 150 regions, providing real-time location data.


  • Real-time tracking
  • Supports 150+ regions
  • User-friendly interface


  • Free to use
  • No app installation required
  • Quick results


  • Limited additional information
  • Accuracy may vary

How to Use Phone Location to Track Someone Location:

  1. Visit the Phone Location website.
  2. Enter the phone number you want to track.
  3. Click on “Track.”
  4. View the real-time location on the map.

2. GPS Mobile Number Tracker

This website utilizes historical location data to trace phone numbers, offering an easy-to-use platform.


  • Historical location data
  • GPS tracking
  • Cross-platform support


  • No registration needed
  • Supports multiple countries
  • User-friendly


  • May lack real-time tracking
  • Limited additional features

How to Use:

  1. Open the GPS Mobile Number Tracker website.
  2. Input the phone number.
  3. Press “Search.”
  4. View the location details.

3. Spokeo

Spokeo offers real-time tracking and additional information about the phone number’s owner.


  • Real-time tracking
  • Owner information
  • Comprehensive reports


  • Detailed insights
  • Reliable tracking
  • Subscription options


  • Paid service
  • May require user registration

How to Use:

  1. Visit Spokeo’s website.
  2. Enter the phone number.
  3. Choose the tracking plan.
  4. View the detailed report.

4. Mobile Number Tracker

This service traces GPS locations and locates phone numbers on Google Maps.


  • GPS location tracing
  • Google Maps integration
  • Free service


  • Easy to use
  • No registration required
  • Quick results


  • May lack additional insights
  • Limited to specific regions

How to Use:

  1. Go to the Mobile Number Tracker website.
  2. Input the phone number.
  3. Click “Track.”
  4. See the location on Google Maps.

5. LiveGPS Search Service

LiveGPS offers free tracking for 6 months, providing continuous location updates.


  • Continuous tracking
  • 6-month free service
  • Real-time updates


  • Long-term tracking
  • User-friendly
  • Reliable service


  • Paid after 6 months
  • Limited to certain countries

How to Use:

  1. Visit LiveGPS Search Service website.
  2. Register for an account.
  3. Enter the phone number to track.
  4. Monitor the location in real-time.

These online websites offer various features and options to suit different tracking needs. Whether you’re looking for a free, quick solution or a more comprehensive tracking service, these platforms provide accessible ways to track phone numbers and locate them on the map.

5 Best Phone Number Trackers Apps for Android and iOS

Here’s an overview of the 5 best phone number tracker apps for Android and iOS, presented in the requested format:

1. Phone Tracker By Number

Designed for parents, this app helps locate children’s phones using their phone numbers.


  • Real-time tracking
  • Location history
  • Geofencing alerts


  • User-friendly
  • Free version available
  • Privacy-focused


  • Limited features in the free version
  • Requires consent from the tracked person

How to Use:

  1. Download the app on both phones.
  2. Send an invitation to the person you want to track.
  3. Accept the invitation on the other phone.
  4. Monitor the location in real-time.

2. Intelius

Intelius offers accurate tracking without the target knowing, suitable for various tracking needs.


  • Stealth mode
  • Real-time location
  • Background checks


  • Accurate tracking
  • Subscription options
  • Cross-platform support


  • Paid service
  • May require user registration

How to Use:

  1. Download Intelius app.
  2. Create an account.
  3. Enter the phone number to track.
  4. View the real-time location.

3. Mobile Number Locator

This app traces many details of phone locations, providing an easy-to-use interface.


  • GPS tracking
  • Caller ID
  • Location history


  • Free to use
  • No registration required
  • Quick results


  • Ad-supported
  • Limited to specific regions

How to Use:

  1. Install Mobile Number Locator.
  2. Open the app and enter the phone number.
  3. Click “Locate.”
  4. See the location details.

4. BeenVerified

BeenVerified offers access to Public Record information along with phone number tracking.


  • Comprehensive reports
  • Public Record access
  • Real-time tracking


  • Detailed insights
  • Reliable tracking
  • Subscription options


  • Paid service
  • May require user registration

How to Use:

  1. Download BeenVerified app.
  2. Create an account.
  3. Enter the phone number to track.
  4. View the detailed report.

5. Mr. Number – Caller ID & Spam Protection

This app blocks unwanted calls and identifies spam, along with tracking capabilities.


  • Call blocking
  • Spam identification
  • Location tracking


  • Multi-functional
  • Free version available
  • User-friendly


  • Limited tracking features
  • In-app purchases

How to Use:

  1. Install Mr. Number app.
  2. Open the app and enter the phone number.
  3. Click “Track.”
  4. View the location and additional details.

These apps cater to various tracking needs, from parental control to spam protection. They offer different features, pros, and cons, allowing users to choose the one that best fits their requirements. Whether you need continuous monitoring or one-time tracking, these apps provide accessible and efficient solutions for tracking phone numbers on both Android and iOS platforms.

Comparison of Features and Usability

When choosing a phone number tracker, understanding the comparison of features and usability between online websites and mobile apps can guide you to the right solution. Here’s a detailed comparison:

Online Websites


  • Real-Time Tracking: Most offer real-time location tracking.
  • Global Reach: Some websites provide tracking across multiple regions and countries.
  • No Installation: Accessible through browsers without needing to install an app.
  • Limited Functionality: Generally focused on location tracking, with fewer additional features.


  • Ease of Use: Most websites are user-friendly with simple interfaces.
  • Accessibility: Available on any device with internet access and a browser.
  • Privacy Concerns: Free services may have less robust security measures.
  • Limited Customization: Fewer options to tailor the tracking experience.

Mobile Apps


  • Comprehensive Tracking: Apps often include additional features like geofencing, location history, and caller ID.
  • Platform-Specific: Designed for Android or iOS, ensuring compatibility.
  • Stealth Mode: Some apps offer tracking without the target knowing.
  • Subscription Models: Various free and paid options with different feature sets.


  • User Experience: Apps are generally designed with a focus on user experience, providing intuitive navigation.
  • Installation Required: Must be downloaded and installed on the device.
  • Customization: More options to customize tracking preferences and alerts.
  • Security: Paid apps usually offer better security and data protection.


  • For Simplicity and Quick Tracking: Online websites are suitable for quick and straightforward tracking without the need for installation.
  • For Advanced and Continuous Tracking: Mobile apps offer more features and customization, ideal for continuous monitoring or specific tracking needs.
  • For Casual Users: Free online services or free versions of apps can be sufficient.
  • For Professional or Detailed Tracking: Paid apps with advanced features and security measures are more suitable.

The choice between online websites and mobile apps depends on your specific tracking needs, preferences for features, usability, and budget. Understanding these comparisons helps you make an informed decision, ensuring that the tracking solution aligns with your requirements and expectations.

How to Track Someone’s Location with Google Maps

Google Maps is a widely-used tool that can also be utilized for tracking phone numbers. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open Google Maps: On your device, open the Google Maps app. If you don’t have it, you can download it from the App Store or Google Play.
  2. Sign In: Make sure you’re signed in to the Google Account you want to use.
  3. Tap on ‘Location Sharing’: On the left sidebar, tap on the ‘Location Sharing’ option.
  4. Choose Who to Share With: You can share your location with specific contacts or send a link via email or messaging apps.
  5. Select Duration: You can choose to share your location for a specific time or indefinitely.
  6. Request Location: If you want to track someone else’s location, they must share their location with you using the same steps.


  • Real-Time Tracking: Once the location is shared, you can see the person’s location in real-time on the map.
  • Street View: You can use Google’s Street View feature to see a photographic view of the location.
  • Location Sharing: You can share your location with others and request that they share theirs with you. This feature must be used with consent.

Using Google Maps to track a phone number’s location is a straightforward process that offers valuable features like real-time tracking and street view. It’s a handy tool for keeping tabs on family members or coordinating with friends, but always remember to use it responsibly and with the consent of those you’re tracking.

Best Phone Tracker Apps Without Permission

Tracking a phone without permission is a sensitive subject that requires careful consideration of ethics and legality. However, there are scenarios where such tracking might be necessary, such as parental control or lost device recovery. Here’s an overview:

  • GPS Tracking: Utilizes the device’s GPS to pinpoint the exact location.
  • Wi-Fi and Cellular Data: Leverages nearby Wi-Fi networks and cell towers for location tracking.
  • Stealth Mode: Operates in the background without the user’s knowledge.
  • Remote Control: Allows remote access to the device for tracking and other functions.

Pro-Tips for Choosing a Phone Tracker App

  • Understand the Purpose: Clearly define why you need to track without permission, ensuring it aligns with legal and ethical guidelines.
  • Check Legality: Research the laws in your jurisdiction to ensure compliance.
  • Prioritize Security: Choose an app that emphasizes data security and privacy.
  • Read Reviews: Look for user reviews to gauge the app’s reliability and effectiveness.
  • Consider Features: Evaluate the features offered, such as real-time tracking, geofencing, or stealth mode.
  • Assess Usability: Ensure the app is user-friendly and compatible with the target device.

List of the Best Phone Tracker Apps Without Permission

  1. mSpy: Offers stealth mode, GPS tracking, and comprehensive monitoring features.
  2. FlexiSPY: Known for advanced tracking capabilities, including call interception.
  3. Hoverwatch: Provides discreet tracking with features like screen capture and location history.
  4. SpyBubble: Focuses on real-time tracking with additional monitoring tools.
  5. Cocospy: A popular choice for parental control with a user-friendly interface.

Tracking a phone without permission is a complex matter that must be approached with caution. Understanding the technology and methods used, along with careful consideration of the purpose, legality, and ethical implications, is crucial. By following the pro-tips and choosing from the list of reputable apps, you can navigate this sensitive area responsibly, ensuring that the tracking aligns with legitimate needs and respects legal boundaries.

Specialized Tracking Solutions

Different tracking needs require specialized solutions. Here’s an overview of four popular tracking tools, each catering to specific requirements:

1. Spyic: Comprehensive Phone Monitoring

Spyic is a well-known tracking tool that offers extensive phone monitoring capabilities.


  • Real-time location tracking
  • Call and message monitoring
  • Social media activity tracking
  • Keylogger functionality

Use Cases:Ideal for parental control, employee monitoring, or personal security.


  • User-friendly interface
  • No root or jailbreak required
  • Stealth mode operation


  • Paid service
  • Limited free trial

2. Cocospy: Stealth Tracking

Cocospy is designed for discreet tracking without the target knowing.


  • Stealth tracking
  • Geofencing alerts
  • Call and SMS monitoring

Use Cases: Suitable for tracking lost devices, monitoring children, or investigative purposes.


  • Easy to set up
  • Reliable and accurate
  • Operates in the background


  • Subscription-based
  • Limited features in the basic plan

3. Famisafe: Identity Tracking

Famisafe focuses on tracking people’s identity through their phone numbers.


  • Identity tracking
  • Real-time location updates
  • Parental control features

Use Cases: Perfect for parents wanting to know their children’s whereabouts or for personal safety.


  • Comprehensive identity insights
  • User-friendly
  • Flexible subscription plans


  • Requires consent
  • Limited stealth capabilities

4. Spyier: Address and Social Media Tracking

Spyier provides tracking of known addresses and social media information linked to a phone number.


  • Address tracking
  • Social media insights
  • Call and message logs

Use Cases: Useful for personal investigations, reconnecting with people, or verifying identities.


  • Detailed address information
  • Integration with social media platforms
  • No installation required


  • Paid service
  • May require user registration

Specialized tracking solutions cater to various unique needs, from comprehensive monitoring to stealth tracking or identity verification. Understanding the specific features, pros, and cons of tools like Spyic, Cocospy, Famisafe, and Spyier helps in selecting the right solution for your tracking requirements. Whether for parental control, personal investigations, or security, these tools offer tailored functionalities to meet diverse tracking needs.

How to Track Someone Location With Phone Number Using Third-Party Apps

1. mSpy

mSpy is a popular tracking and monitoring app that offers a wide range of features for tracking phone numbers, monitoring messages, and more. It’s often used by parents to keep an eye on their children’s online activities and locations.

Visit mSpy


  • Location Tracking: Real-time tracking of phone numbers.
  • Call and Message Monitoring: View call logs, text messages, and multimedia messages.
  • Social Media Monitoring: Track activity on platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat.
  • Keylogger: Records keystrokes to monitor search and messaging activity.
  • Geofencing: Set boundaries and receive alerts if those boundaries are crossed.
  • Browser History Tracking: View web browsing history and bookmarks.

How to Track Phone Number Location Using mSpy:

  1. Purchase a Subscription: Choose the plan that fits your needs.
  2. Download and Install: Follow the instructions to download and install the app on the target device.
  3. Configure Settings: Set up the app according to your tracking preferences.
  4. Enter the Phone Number: Input the phone number you wish to track.
  5. View the Location: Monitor the phone number’s location in real-time through the mSpy dashboard.


  • Basic Plan: Starts at $29.99 per month, offering essential tracking features.
  • Premium Plan: Starts at $69.99 per month, providing advanced tracking capabilities, including social media monitoring and geofencing.

mSpy is a versatile and powerful tracking app that offers a wide range of features for monitoring and tracking phone numbers. Its user-friendly design and various pricing options make it a popular choice for parents, employers, and individuals looking to keep track of phone activity and location. Always ensure that you are using the app responsibly and in accordance with applicable laws.

2. eyeZy

eyeZy is a tracking and monitoring app that offers a suite of features for keeping tabs on phone numbers, online activities, and more. It’s designed to be user-friendly and provides real-time insights.

Visit eyeZy


  • Location Tracking: Monitor real-time location and view location history.
  • Call Monitoring: Access call logs and details.
  • Message Tracking: Read text messages and multimedia messages.
  • Social Media Oversight: Monitor activities on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp.
  • Remote Control: Control the target device remotely, including locking or wiping the device.
  • Browser History Access: View visited websites and search history.

How to Track Phone Number Location Using eyeZy:

  1. Select a Plan: Choose the subscription plan that suits your needs.
  2. Download and Install: Follow the guided instructions to install eyeZy on the target device.
  3. Configure the App: Set up the app with the required permissions and settings.
  4. Enter the Phone Number: Provide the phone number you want to track.
  5. Monitor the Location: View the real-time location of the phone number through the eyeZy dashboard.


  • Basic Package: Starts at $19.99 per month, offering core tracking features.
  • Advanced Package: Starts at $39.99 per month, including advanced features like social media monitoring and remote control.

eyeZy is a comprehensive tracking app that offers a wide array of features for monitoring phone numbers and online activities. With its focus on user experience and real-time tracking, it’s a valuable tool for those looking to keep an eye on loved ones or employees. As with any tracking app, it’s essential to use eyeZy responsibly and in compliance with legal regulations.

3. SpyBubblePro

SpyBubblePro is a monitoring and tracking app that offers an extensive range of features for keeping track of phone numbers, messages, online activities, and more. It’s designed with user accessibility in mind and caters to various tracking needs.

Visit SpyBubblePro


  • Location Tracking: Real-time location tracking and history.
  • Call Monitoring: Access to detailed call logs.
  • Message Oversight: Read text messages and multimedia messages.
  • Social Media Tracking: Monitor activities on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp.
  • Keylogger: Capture keystrokes to monitor searches and messages.
  • Remote Access: Control the target device remotely, including camera access.
  • Browser Monitoring: View web browsing history and bookmarks.

How to Track Phone Number Location Using SpyBubblePro:

  1. Choose a Subscription: Select the plan that fits your tracking needs.
  2. Download and Install: Follow the provided instructions to install SpyBubblePro on the target device.
  3. Set Up the App: Configure the app with the necessary permissions and settings.
  4. Input the Phone Number: Enter the phone number you wish to track.
  5. Track the Location: Monitor the phone number’s location in real-time through the SpyBubblePro dashboard.


  • Standard Plan: Starts at $24.95 per month, offering essential tracking features.
  • Pro Plan: Starts at $49.95 per month, providing advanced tracking capabilities, including keylogger and remote access.

SpyBubblePro is a robust tracking app that offers a diverse range of features for monitoring and tracking phone numbers. Its user-friendly interface and various pricing options make it suitable for different tracking needs, from parental control to employee monitoring. As always, it’s vital to use SpyBubblePro responsibly and in accordance with applicable laws and ethical guidelines.

4. Cocospy

Cocospy is a well-known tracking and monitoring app that offers a comprehensive suite of features for tracking phone numbers, monitoring online activities, and more. It’s designed to be user-friendly and is widely used for parental control and employee monitoring.

Visit Cocospy


  • Location Tracking: Real-time location tracking with geofencing capabilities.
  • Call Log Access: View detailed call logs, including incoming and outgoing calls.
  • Message Monitoring: Read text messages, even deleted ones, and multimedia messages.
  • Social Media Surveillance: Track activities on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat.
  • Stealth Mode: Operates in stealth mode for unobtrusive monitoring.
  • Browser History Tracking: Access web browsing history and search queries.

How to Track Phone Number Location Using Cocospy:

  1. Select a Plan: Choose the subscription plan that aligns with your needs.
  2. Download and Install: Follow the step-by-step instructions to install Cocospy on the target device.
  3. Configure the Settings: Set up the app with the required permissions.
  4. Enter the Phone Number: Provide the phone number you want to track.
  5. Monitor the Location: View the real-time location of the phone number through the Cocospy dashboard.


  • Basic Plan: Starts at $39.99 per month, offering core tracking features.
  • Premium Plan: Starts at $49.99 per month, including advanced features like social media tracking and stealth mode.
  • Family Plan: Starts at $69.99 per month, allowing monitoring of multiple devices.

Cocospy is a versatile and powerful tracking app that offers a wide array of features for monitoring phone numbers and online activities. Its ease of use, stealth mode, and various pricing options make it a popular choice for different tracking needs. As with any tracking app, it’s essential to use Cocospy responsibly and in compliance with legal and ethical standards.

5. uMobix

uMobix is a prominent tracking and monitoring app that provides a broad spectrum of features for tracking phone numbers, overseeing messages, social media activities, and more. It’s crafted to be user-centric and is commonly utilized for parental monitoring and business management.

Visit uMobix


  • Location Tracking: Monitor real-time location and view location history.
  • Call Monitoring: Access detailed call logs and contact lists.
  • Message Tracking: Read text messages, even deleted ones, and multimedia messages.
  • Social Media Monitoring: Oversee activities on platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram.
  • Keylogger: Capture keystrokes to monitor search terms and messages.
  • Screen Time Monitoring: View and control the target device’s screen time.
  • Browser History Access: Monitor visited websites and search history.

How to Track Phone Number Location Using uMobix:

  1. Choose a Subscription: Select the plan that best fits your tracking requirements.
  2. Download and Install: Follow the guided instructions to install uMobix on the target device.
  3. Configure the App: Set up the app with the necessary permissions and preferences.
  4. Input the Phone Number: Enter the phone number you wish to track.
  5. Track the Location: Monitor the phone number’s location in real-time through the uMobix dashboard.


  • Basic Plan: Starts at $29.99 per month, offering essential tracking features.
  • Full Plan: Starts at $59.99 per month, providing a complete set of tracking capabilities, including social media monitoring and keylogger.

uMobix is a comprehensive tracking app that offers a diverse range of features for monitoring phone numbers, messages, and online activities. Its user-friendly design, detailed tracking capabilities, and various pricing options make it suitable for different tracking needs, from safeguarding children to overseeing employees. As with any tracking tool, it’s vital to use uMobix responsibly and in line with legal and ethical guidelines.

6. Hoverwatch

Hoverwatch is a multifaceted tracking and monitoring app that offers a wide array of features for tracking phone numbers, managing messages, and overseeing various online activities. It’s designed with ease of use in mind and is often employed for parental control and business oversight.

Visit Hoverwatch


  • Location Tracking: Real-time location tracking with the ability to view location history.
  • Call and SMS Monitoring: Access detailed call logs, read text messages, and multimedia messages.
  • Social Media Surveillance: Monitor activities on platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat.
  • Stealth Mode: Operates invisibly on the target device for discreet monitoring.
  • Screenshot Capturing: Takes screenshots of the target device’s screen at regular intervals.
  • Keylogger: Records keystrokes to monitor search and messaging activity.
  • Camera Tracking: Accesses the target device’s camera to take photos.

How to Track Phone Number Location Using Hoverwatch:

  1. Select a Plan: Choose the subscription plan that aligns with your tracking needs.
  2. Download and Install: Follow the instructions to install Hoverwatch on the target device.
  3. Configure the Settings: Set up the app with the required permissions and preferences.
  4. Enter the Phone Number: Provide the phone number you want to track.
  5. Monitor the Location: View the real-time location of the phone number through the Hoverwatch dashboard.


  • Personal Plan: Starts at $24.95 per month for a single device, offering all tracking features.
  • Professional/Family Plan: Starts at $49.95 per month for up to 5 devices, providing the same features as the Personal Plan but for multiple devices.
  • Business Plan: Starts at $149.95 per month for up to 25 devices, tailored for business needs.

Hoverwatch is a robust tracking app that offers a broad spectrum of features for monitoring phone numbers, online activities, and more. Its stealth mode, screenshot capturing, and various pricing options make it a popular choice for different tracking scenarios. As always, it’s essential to use Hoverwatch responsibly and in accordance with legal and ethical standards.

7. GEOfinder

GEOfinder is a specialized tracking app focused on location-based services. It offers a range of features for tracking phone numbers, setting geofences, and more. It’s designed for both personal use, such as family tracking, and professional use, including employee monitoring.

Visit GEOfinder


  • Location Tracking: Monitor real-time location and view detailed location history.
  • Geofencing: Set geographical boundaries and receive alerts if those boundaries are crossed.
  • Route History: View the historical routes taken by the target device.
  • Speed Alerts: Receive alerts if the target device exceeds a certain speed.
  • Location Sharing: Share locations with family members or team members.
  • Multi-Device Tracking: Track multiple devices from a single dashboard.
  • Stealth Mode: Operate invisibly on the target device for discreet tracking.

How to Track Phone Number Location Using GEOfinder:

  1. Choose a Subscription: Select the plan that best fits your location tracking needs.
  2. Download and Install: Follow the guided instructions to install GEOfinder on the target device.
  3. Configure the App: Set up the app with the necessary permissions and tracking preferences.
  4. Input the Phone Number: Enter the phone number you wish to track.
  5. Track the Location: Monitor the phone number’s location in real-time through the GEOfinder dashboard.


  • Basic Plan: Starts at $19.99 per month, offering core location tracking features.
  • Premium Plan: Starts at $29.99 per month, including advanced features like geofencing and speed alerts.
  • Family/Business Plans: Custom pricing for multiple devices, tailored to family or business needs.

GEOfinder is a dedicated location tracking app that offers a wide array of features specifically designed for monitoring phone numbers and geographical activities. Its focus on location-based services, including geofencing and route history, makes it a valuable tool for various tracking scenarios. As with any tracking app, it’s vital to use GEOfinder responsibly and in line with legal and ethical considerations.

8. Spyic

Spyic is a renowned tracking and monitoring app that offers a comprehensive suite of features for tracking phone numbers, overseeing messages, social media activities, and more. It’s designed to be user-friendly and is widely used for parental control, personal tracking, and business monitoring.

Visit Spyic


  • Location Tracking: Real-time location tracking with geofencing capabilities.
  • Call Log Monitoring: View detailed call logs, including incoming and outgoing calls.
  • Message Oversight: Read text messages, even deleted ones, and multimedia messages.
  • Social Media Surveillance: Track activities on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat.
  • Stealth Mode: Operates invisibly on the target device for discreet monitoring.
  • Keylogger: Records keystrokes to monitor search and messaging activity.
  • Browser History Tracking: Access web browsing history and search queries.

How to Track Phone Number Location Using Spyic:

  1. Select a Plan: Choose the subscription plan that aligns with your tracking needs.
  2. Download and Install: Follow the step-by-step instructions to install Spyic on the target device.
  3. Configure the Settings: Set up the app with the required permissions.
  4. Enter the Phone Number: Provide the phone number you want to track.
  5. Monitor the Location: View the real-time location of the phone number through the Spyic dashboard.


  • Basic Plan: Starts at $39.99 per month, offering core tracking features.
  • Premium Plan: Starts at $49.99 per month, including advanced features like social media tracking and stealth mode.
  • Family Plan: Starts at $69.99 per month, allowing monitoring of multiple devices.

Spyic is a versatile and powerful tracking app that offers a wide array of features for monitoring phone numbers and online activities. Its ease of use, stealth mode, and various pricing options make it a popular choice for different tracking needs. As with any tracking app, it’s essential to use Spyic responsibly and in compliance with legal and ethical standards.

9. Xnspy

Xnspy is a sophisticated tracking and monitoring app that provides a broad range of features for tracking phone numbers, managing messages, monitoring online activities, and more. It’s designed for ease of use and is commonly employed for parental control, personal security, and business management.

Visit Xnspy


  • Location Tracking: Real-time location tracking with geofencing and location history.
  • Call Monitoring: Access detailed call logs, including incoming and outgoing calls.
  • Message Tracking: Read text messages, even deleted ones, and multimedia messages.
  • Social Media Monitoring: Oversee activities on platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram.
  • Ambient Listening: Record and listen to the surroundings of the target device.
  • Keylogger: Capture keystrokes to monitor search terms and messages.
  • Email Monitoring: Read sent and received emails.
  • Remote Control: Control the target device remotely, including locking or wiping the device.

How to Track Phone Number Location Using Xnspy:

  1. Choose a Subscription: Select the plan that best fits your tracking requirements.
  2. Download and Install: Follow the guided instructions to install Xnspy on the target device.
  3. Configure the App: Set up the app with the necessary permissions and tracking preferences.
  4. Input the Phone Number: Enter the phone number you wish to track.
  5. Track the Location: Monitor the phone number’s location in real-time through the Xnspy dashboard.


  • Basic Edition: Starts at $29.99 per month, offering essential tracking features.
  • Premium Edition: Starts at $35.99 per month, providing a complete set of tracking capabilities, including ambient listening and remote control.

Xnspy is a comprehensive tracking app that offers a diverse range of features for monitoring phone numbers, messages, and online activities. Its user-friendly design, ambient listening capability, and various pricing options make it suitable for different tracking needs, from safeguarding children to overseeing employees. As with any tracking tool, it’s vital to use Xnspy responsibly and in line with legal and ethical guidelines.

10. iKeyMonitor

iKeyMonitor is a robust tracking and monitoring app that offers an extensive suite of features for tracking phone numbers, overseeing messages, social media activities, and more. It’s designed with user accessibility in mind and is often used for parental control, employee monitoring, and personal security.

Visit iKeyMonitor


  • Location Tracking: Monitor real-time location and view location history.
  • Call Log Access: View detailed call logs, including incoming and outgoing calls.
  • Message Monitoring: Read text messages, even deleted ones, and multimedia messages.
  • Social Media Surveillance: Track activities on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp.
  • Keylogger: Capture all keystrokes on the target device.
  • Screen Capture: Takes screenshots of the target device’s screen activity.
  • App Usage Monitoring: View and control app usage on the target device.
  • Voice Messages Recording: Record voice messages from various platforms.

How to Track Phone Number Location Using iKeyMonitor:

  1. Select a Plan: Choose the subscription plan that aligns with your tracking needs.
  2. Download and Install: Follow the step-by-step instructions to install iKeyMonitor on the target device.
  3. Configure the Settings: Set up the app with the required permissions.
  4. Enter the Phone Number: Provide the phone number you want to track.
  5. Monitor the Location: View the real-time location of the phone number through the iKeyMonitor dashboard.


  • Free Plan: Limited features with the option to try before purchasing.
  • Standard Plan: Starts at $29.16 per month, offering core tracking features.
  • Premium Plan: Starts at $49.99 per month, including advanced features like keylogger, voice messages recording, and screen capture.

iKeyMonitor is a versatile and powerful tracking app that offers a wide array of features for monitoring phone numbers and online activities. Its keylogger, screen capture, and voice messages recording capabilities, along with various pricing options, make it a popular choice for different tracking needs. As with any tracking app, it’s essential to use iKeyMonitor responsibly and in compliance with legal and ethical standards.

Free Tracking Solutions and Reverse Phone Lookup Services

Free tracking solutions and reverse phone lookup services offer valuable tools for locating phone numbers and gathering information about the associated individuals. Here’s an overview of some popular options:

GPS Phone Tracker and Mobile Number Location GPS

These free apps provide live location updates using GPS technology.


  • Real-time location tracking
  • Map integration
  • Location history

Use Cases: Ideal for personal use, such as finding lost devices or tracking friends and family.


  • Free to use
  • Easy to install and operate
  • Quick location updates


  • May contain ads
  • Accuracy may vary
  • Limited additional features


TruthFinder is a reverse phone lookup service that provides detailed information about individuals.


  • Name and address lookup
  • Criminal records
  • Social media profiles

Use Cases: Suitable for background checks, reconnecting with people, or verifying identities.


  • Comprehensive reports
  • User-friendly interface
  • Free basic search


  • Paid for full reports
  • May require registration


Truepeoplesearch offers free searches to find people by name, phone number, or address.


  • Contact information
  • Relatives and associates
  • Location history

Use Cases: Useful for finding lost contacts, verifying information, or personal investigations.


  • Completely free
  • No registration required
  • Extensive search options


  • Limited accuracy
  • May lack up-to-date information


CocoFinder is a free tool for reverse phone lookup, providing insights into the person behind a phone number.


  • Name and address details
  • Employment history
  • Criminal records

Use Cases: Ideal for background checks, identity verification, or reconnecting with acquaintances.


  • Free basic search
  • Detailed reports
  • Easy to use


  • Full reports may require payment
  • Limited real-time tracking capabilities

Free tracking solutions like GPS Phone Tracker and Mobile Number Location GPS offer simple and accessible ways to track phone numbers. Meanwhile, reverse phone lookup services like TruthFinder, Truepeoplesearch, and CocoFinder provide valuable insights into the individuals associated with a phone number. Whether for tracking, background checks, or identity verification, these free tools offer versatile options to meet various needs without breaking the bank.

How to Protect Yourself

Tracking someone’s location with a phone number can be a useful tool for various legitimate purposes, but it also raises concerns about privacy and security. Whether you are using tracking technology or are concerned about being tracked, understanding how to protect yourself is essential. Here’s a guide:

How to Track Someone’s Location

Legitimate Reasons for Tracking

  • Parental Control: Monitoring children’s whereabouts for safety.
  • Finding Lost Devices: Locating misplaced or stolen phones.
  • Business Management: Tracking employees during work hours.
  • Emergency Situations: Assisting in urgent situations or rescue efforts.

Ethical and Legal Considerations

  • Obtain Consent: Always seek permission if tracking someone’s location.
  • Comply with Laws: Understand and follow the legal requirements in your jurisdiction.
  • Use Authorized Tools: Opt for legitimate and reputable tracking solutions.

How to Protect Yourself

Be Aware of Tracking Possibilities

  • Understand How Tracking Works: Familiarize yourself with common tracking methods and tools.
  • Recognize Legitimate Uses: Understand when and why someone might track your location.

Take Protective Measures

  • Manage Location Settings: Regularly review and manage location settings on your devices.
  • Use Security Features: Enable security features like passwords and two-factor authentication.
  • Be Cautious with Sharing: Only share your location with trusted individuals or apps.
  • Monitor Apps and Permissions: Regularly check which apps have access to your location and revoke unnecessary permissions.
  • Consider Anti-Tracking Tools: Some security apps can alert you to unauthorized tracking attempts.

Respond to Unauthorized Tracking

  • Report Concerns: If you suspect unauthorized tracking, report it to the appropriate authorities or seek legal advice.
  • Educate Yourself and Others: Stay informed about tracking technology and share knowledge with friends and family to foster collective awareness and protection.

Tracking someone’s location with a phone number is a double-edged sword. While it offers valuable benefits in safety, connectivity, and efficiency, it also poses risks to privacy and personal security. Balancing the use of tracking technology with ethical considerations and protective measures is key.

Whether tracking or being tracked, awareness, responsibility, and proactive steps can ensure that this technology serves its intended purpose without compromising individual rights and privacy. By embracing both the potential and the precautions, tracking a phone number can be a tool for good, wielded with care and conscience.

Why Tracking a Phone Number is Important

Tracking a phone number’s location is more than just a technological marvel; it serves practical purposes in various aspects of daily life. Here’s why it’s considered important:

  1. Locating Lost or Stolen Devices: Losing a phone or having it stolen is a frustrating and often costly experience. Tracking the device’s location can help in its recovery. Many smartphones come with built-in features that allow you to locate the device on a map, lock it remotely, or even erase sensitive data if needed.
  2. Keeping Track of Loved Ones for Safety Purposes: For families, especially those with young children or elderly members, location tracking can be a safety net. Knowing the whereabouts of a loved one can provide peace of mind and enable quick action in case of an emergency.
  3. Monitoring Children’s Activities: Parents often worry about their children’s safety, especially when they are away from home. Tracking a child’s phone number allows parents to know where their children are and ensure they are safe. It also helps in setting boundaries, like geofencing certain areas, and receiving alerts if those boundaries are crossed.
  4. Supervising Employee Activity: In a business context, tracking phone numbers can be a way to monitor employees, especially those in field roles. It ensures that employees are at their designated locations and allows for better coordination and efficiency.

Tracking a phone number’s location is not just about surveillance or invasion of privacy. When used responsibly and ethically, it serves vital functions in personal safety, family care, business management, and security against loss or theft. It’s a tool that, in the right hands, can enhance safety, efficiency, and peace of mind.

How to Track a Cell Phone Location for Free

Here’s how to track a cell phone location for free:

Use Built-in Features:

  • iOS: Use “Find My iPhone” by logging into iCloud with the Apple ID linked to the phone.
  • Android: Use “Find My Device” by signing in with the Google account linked to the device.

Download Free Tracking Apps:

  • Search for free tracking apps in the app store.
  • Install and follow the setup instructions.

Utilize Online Services:

  • Find websites that offer free phone tracking.
  • Enter the phone number and follow the prompts.

Always ensure proper authorization or consent to track a phone number, as unauthorized tracking may be illegal.

Can i Track a Cell Phone Location by Number Free

Tracking a cell phone location by number for free is possible through some methods, but it’s essential to note that these should only be used with proper consent and in accordance with legal guidelines.

  1. Built-in Phone Features: Many smartphones have built-in features like “Find My iPhone” for iOS and “Find My Device” for Android that allow location tracking. These services are free and can be used to locate a device if you have the necessary permissions.
  2. Online Services: Some websites offer free phone number tracking services. You enter the phone number, and the site attempts to locate it. Accuracy and legitimacy can vary widely with these services.
  3. Free Apps: There are free tracking apps available on various app stores. These may offer basic location tracking features at no cost.

Remember, tracking someone’s location without their consent may be illegal in some jurisdictions. Always ensure that you have proper authorization or consent to track a phone number.

How to Track Someone’s Location with Just a Phone Number

Here are the steps to track someone’s location with just a phone number:

  1. Choose a Service: Select a reputable service designed for phone number tracking, such as a third-party tracking app.
  2. Enter the Phone Number: Input the phone number you wish to track into the designated field within the service or app.
  3. Send a Request: Some services may require sending a request to the phone number for consent.
  4. View the Location: Once the phone number is verified or consent is given, the location will be displayed on a map within the service or app.

Please note that tracking someone’s location without their consent may be illegal in some jurisdictions. Always ensure that you have proper authorization or consent to track a phone number.


Tracking someone’s location with a phone number has become an essential tool in today’s interconnected world. From personal safety and parental control to business management and reconnecting with lost contacts, the applications are diverse and far-reaching.

The landscape of tracking solutions is vast, encompassing free and paid options, specialized tools, and international capabilities. While technology continues to advance, offering innovative features and enhanced accuracy, it also brings forth ethical considerations and legal complexities that must not be overlooked.

Security remains paramount, with an emphasis on consent, data protection, and responsible usage. Real-life case studies and testimonials offer valuable insights, while future trends hint at a more integrated, secure, and ethically guided tracking environment.

In choosing the right tracking solution, understanding the specific needs, assessing features, weighing pros and cons, and considering factors like usability, legality, and ethics is crucial. Whether opting for simple GPS tracking, comprehensive monitoring, or reverse phone lookup services, the options are plentiful, catering to various needs and budgets.

Ultimately, tracking a phone number is not just about locating a point on a map. It’s about connecting lives, ensuring safety, enhancing efficiency, and navigating the delicate balance between technology and humanity. By approaching it with awareness, responsibility, and discernment, phone number tracking can be a powerful tool that serves us well in our increasingly interconnected world.

Don’t Miss Out:

  1. How to Track Someone’s Location Without Them Knowing
  2. How to Track a Cell Phone by Number for Free
  3. How to Track Someone by Cell Phone Number without them Knowing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I track a phone number location for free?

Yes, some tools and apps allow you to track a phone number location for free. Google Maps, for example, offers free location sharing. However, free tools may lack advanced features and security, so it’s wise to be cautious.

How can I find someone’s location?

Finding someone’s location can be done through built-in features on smartphones, like Google Maps, or through third-party apps like uMobix, mSpy, eyeZy, Cocospy, and Spyic. Always ensure you have the person’s consent or a legal right to track their location.

What applications are best to track cell phone location?

The best application depends on your specific needs and budget. Popular and reputable apps include uMobix, mSpy, eyeZy, Cocospy, and Spyic. Look for features like real-time tracking, security, user reviews, and compatibility with your device.

Is tracking someone’s phone legal?

The legality of tracking someone’s phone varies by jurisdiction and the specific situation. Generally, tracking is legal if you have the person’s consent or if you’re a parent tracking a minor child. Employers can also track company-owned devices with the employee’s knowledge. It’s essential to understand the laws in your area to ensure compliance.