How to Share WiFi Password From iPhone to iPhone

Ever wished you could share your Wi-Fi password with a friend or family member using your iPhone, without having to spell out a complex string of characters? Good news, Apple has you covered. Thanks to a handy feature in iOS, you can share your Wi-Fi password from one iPhone to another in just a few simple steps. This not only saves you time but also maintains the security of your network.

Let’s dive in and discover how you can make use of this convenient feature, ensure it works smoothly every time, and what safety considerations you need to keep in mind.

Prerequisites for Sharing Wi-Fi Password

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of sharing your Wi-Fi password from one iPhone to another, it’s essential to tick off a few prerequisites. These requirements are set in place to ensure the feature works as smoothly as possible while maintaining the security of your network.

  • Firstly, the iPhones involved need to be running on iOS 11 or later versions. This is because the password sharing feature was introduced in iOS 11, and iPhones with earlier iOS versions do not support this functionality. To check or update your iOS version, navigate to ‘Settings’, then ‘General’, and finally, ‘Software Update’.
  • Secondly, make sure that both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are enabled on both iPhones. This can be done by swiping into the control center (swipe down from the top right corner on iPhone X or newer, or swipe up from the bottom on iPhone 8 or older) and ensuring that the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth icons are highlighted.
  • Lastly, the Apple ID of the iPhone receiving the password must be in the Contacts app of the iPhone sharing the password. This is a security measure by Apple to ensure that you only share passwords with people you trust. If the Apple ID is not in your contacts, simply ask the person to share their contact card with you.

By ensuring all these prerequisites are met, you’ll be well on your way to sharing Wi-Fi passwords effortlessly from one iPhone to another. So let’s move on to the actual steps involved in the process. Stay tuned!

Step-by-step Guide to Sharing Wi-Fi Password

The process of sharing your Wi-Fi password from one iPhone to another involves interaction between two iPhones: the one that is already connected to the network (we’ll call this iPhone A) and the one that needs to connect to the network (iPhone B). Let’s explore the steps you need to follow on both iPhones.

1. Steps on iPhone A (The iPhone Already Connected to the Network)

  1. Begin by unlocking iPhone A and opening the ‘Settings’ app.
  2. Once in ‘Settings’, tap on ‘Wi-Fi’.
  3. In the ‘Wi-Fi’ section, check that you’re connected to the Wi-Fi network you want to share the password for.

2. Steps on iPhone B (The iPhone That Needs The Wi-Fi Password)

  1. On iPhone B, also unlock the device and open the ‘Settings’ app.
  2. Tap on ‘Wi-Fi’.
  3. You will see a list of available networks. From this list, select the network you want to connect to (the same one iPhone A is connected to).

Back to iPhone A, you should see a pop-up message asking if you want to share the Wi-Fi password with iPhone B. All you need to do is tap ‘Share Password’, and voila! The password will be sent over to iPhone B, which will automatically connect to the Wi-Fi network.

This process is as smooth as it sounds, provided the prerequisites are met. But, in case you run into any hiccups, don’t worry. The next section will cover common issues and their solutions to ensure your password sharing process goes off without a hitch.

Try More Few Simple Steps

Sharing your Wi-Fi password from one iPhone to another can be achieved with a few simple steps. Here’s a detailed, step-by-step guide to get you started:

  • Step 1: Prepare Both iPhones, Firstly, ensure both iPhones are close to each other and have their Wi-Fi and Bluetooth turned on. You can check these settings by swiping down from the top-right corner of the screen to open Control Center. The Wi-Fi and Bluetooth icons should be highlighted, indicating they’re active.
  • Step 2: Open Settings on Both iPhones, Next, open the ‘Settings’ app on both iPhones. This app is typically located on the home screen and has an icon that resembles a set of gears.
  • Step 3: Access Wi-Fi Settings on iPhone A (the one with the password), On iPhone A, the one that is already connected to the Wi-Fi network, tap on ‘Wi-Fi’ within the settings menu. Make sure that this iPhone is indeed connected to the Wi-Fi network you wish to share.
  • Step 4: Access Wi-Fi Settings on iPhone B (the one without the password), Simultaneously, on iPhone B, the one you wish to share the password with, tap on ‘Wi-Fi’ within the settings menu. This will show a list of available networks.
  • Step 5: Select the Desired Network on iPhone B, From the list of available networks on iPhone B, tap on the name of the Wi-Fi network you’re connected to on iPhone A. A password field will appear but don’t fill it in—just wait.
  • Step 6: Share the Password from iPhone A, Back on iPhone A, you should see a pop-up message stating that iPhone B wants to join the network. Simply tap ‘Share Password’.

And that’s it! Your Wi-Fi password is shared. iPhone B should now automatically connect to the Wi-Fi network, saving you the hassle of manually entering the password.

Remember to use this feature responsibly and only share your Wi-Fi password with trusted individuals. Happy sharing!

Related Article: How to Share WiFi Password iPhone to Mac

Troubleshooting Common Issues

As straightforward as the Wi-Fi password sharing process is, there can be times when you might encounter a hiccup or two. Here are some of the common issues users face and effective ways to troubleshoot them.

1. The ‘Share Password’ Option is Not Appearing

One common issue users encounter is the ‘Share Password’ option not appearing on iPhone A, even though all prerequisites have been met. If this happens, follow these steps:

  • Check that both iPhones have Wi-Fi and Bluetooth enabled. If not, switch these features on via the control center.
  • Make sure both iPhones are in close proximity. The Wi-Fi password sharing feature uses Bluetooth to detect nearby devices, and Bluetooth has a limited range.
  • Ensure that iPhone B’s Apple ID is saved in the contacts app on iPhone A. If it’s not, ask the user of iPhone B to share their contact card with you.

2. iPhone B Not Connecting to the Network

After tapping ‘Share Password’ on iPhone A, iPhone B should connect to the Wi-Fi network automatically. But what if it doesn’t?

  • Double-check that iPhone B is running iOS 11 or later. Update the software if needed via ‘Settings’ > ‘General’ > ‘Software Update’.
  • Try toggling Wi-Fi and Bluetooth off and on again on both iPhones.
  • Lastly, restart both iPhones. This can sometimes resolve connection issues that aren’t fixed by the above steps.

3. Failed to Share Password

Sometimes, iPhone A might display a ‘Failed to share password’ message. If this happens:

  • Ensure both iPhones are sufficiently charged. A low battery can interfere with Bluetooth connectivity.
  • Check that iPhone A is indeed connected to the Wi-Fi network. Try disconnecting and reconnecting to the network.
  • If the above steps don’t work, try forgetting the network on iPhone A (‘Settings’ > ‘Wi-Fi’ > select network > ‘Forget This Network’) and reconnecting.

Remember, even technology isn’t perfect. If you encounter issues while trying to share your Wi-Fi password from one iPhone to another, don’t fret. Try these troubleshooting steps, and you’ll likely be back on track in no time. Onward to the next part of our guide, focusing on safety and privacy considerations when sharing Wi-Fi passwords. Stay tuned!

Provide Solutions and Alternatives to Overcome these Issues

Sharing a Wi-Fi password from iPhone to iPhone is usually a straightforward process, but like any technology, you might run into some issues. Let’s discuss some of the most common ones and provide potential solutions.

Solutions 1. The ‘Share Password’ Option is Not Appearing

If you don’t see the ‘Share Password’ prompt, there could be a few reasons for this:

  • Double Check the Prerequisites: Make sure both devices have Bluetooth and Wi-Fi enabled and that they’re near each other. Also, verify that the Apple ID of iPhone B is listed in iPhone A’s contacts.
  • Restart Your iPhones: Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve minor technical issues. Restart both iPhones and try again.
  • Reset Network Settings: As a last resort, if the above solutions don’t work, you can reset your network settings. This can be done by going to ‘Settings’ > ‘General’ > ‘Reset’ > ‘Reset Network Settings’. Remember, this will delete all network settings, including saved Wi-Fi networks and passwords.

Solutions 2. iPhone B Fails to Connect to the Network

If the second iPhone fails to connect to the Wi-Fi network even after receiving the password, consider these solutions:

  • Manually Input the Password: The good old-fashioned way of manually entering the password is always a reliable alternative.
  • Reset Network Settings: If iPhone B still won’t connect, try resetting its network settings, as mentioned above.

Solutions 3. ‘Failed to Share Password’ Message Appears

If you see this message on iPhone A, here are a few things you can do:

  • Check Your Wi-Fi Connection: Make sure iPhone A is connected to the Wi-Fi network and has a stable internet connection.
  • Forget and Reconnect to the Network: Go to ‘Settings’ > ‘Wi-Fi’, select the network, and choose ‘Forget This Network’. Then, reconnect to the network and attempt to share the password again.
  • Update iOS: Ensure both iPhones are running the latest version of iOS, as software bugs can often cause these kinds of issues.

These troubleshooting tips should cover the most common issues you might encounter while sharing a Wi-Fi password from one iPhone to another. However, if you’re still having trouble, don’t hesitate to contact Apple Support for further assistance. In the next section, we’ll discuss some safety and privacy considerations for sharing Wi-Fi passwords. Stay tuned!

Safety and Privacy Considerations

While the ability to share your Wi-Fi password seamlessly is incredibly convenient, it’s also crucial to be aware of safety and privacy considerations. Sharing your Wi-Fi password essentially gives someone access to your network, and that’s something you want to be cautious about.

1. Share with Trusted Contacts Only

Apple has designed this feature to work only when the recipient’s Apple ID is saved in your contacts. This helps ensure you’re sharing your password only with people you know and trust. Be selective about who you add to your contacts and share your network access with.

2. Regularly Update Your Wi-Fi Password

Consider changing your Wi-Fi password regularly, especially if you often share it with different people. This can help maintain the security of your network and minimize unauthorized access.

3. Disconnect Devices When Necessary

Remember, once a device connects to your Wi-Fi network, it can reconnect automatically whenever it’s in range, unless you ‘forget’ the network on that device. If you don’t want a device to connect to your network automatically in the future, you can access your router settings and remove the device from your network.

4. Be Aware of What’s Shared Over Your Network

Remember, when someone has access to your Wi-Fi, they can potentially access files and data shared over the network, depending on your network’s security settings. If you’re sharing sensitive documents or information on your network, ensure you have appropriate security measures in place.

While these steps might sound a bit cautious, they’re worth considering to maintain the security of your network while enjoying the convenience of easy Wi-Fi password sharing. Up next, we’ll wrap things up and summarize what we’ve covered in this guide. Let’s keep going!

Provide Tips for Maintaining Security While Using this Feature

here are a few more specific tips for maintaining security while using the Wi-Fi password sharing feature:

  1. Use Strong and Unique Passwords: For your Wi-Fi network, always use a strong, unique password. This can include a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols. Changing your password regularly also adds an extra layer of security.
  2. Limit Network Access: Most routers allow you to see which devices are connected to your network. Regularly monitor this and disconnect unfamiliar devices.
  3. Use a Guest Network: If your router supports it, consider setting up a guest network for visitors. This provides internet access while keeping your main network—along with any connected devices and shared files—secure.
  4. Be Aware of Physical Security: Physical security is just as important as network security. Keep your devices in a secure place to prevent unauthorized access.
  5. Consider VPN: Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) can help encrypt your internet connection and keep your online activities private, even from those connected to the same network.
  6. Regular Updates: Ensure your iPhone and all other connected devices are up-to-date. Regular updates often include security patches and can help protect your devices from threats.

Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. By keeping these tips in mind, you can share your Wi-Fi password securely and enjoy the convenience this feature brings without worry. Up next, we’ll wrap things up with our conclusion. Stay tuned!


Sharing your Wi-Fi password between iPhones is a game-changing feature that enhances convenience and maintains privacy. This process, as we’ve discussed, is straightforward, making it easy to provide internet access to friends, family, or guests without revealing your password or resorting to intricate workarounds.

Even when encountering common issues during the password sharing process, as we explored in the troubleshooting section, there are numerous effective solutions and alternatives. Above all, safety and privacy are paramount—remember to share network access judiciously and maintain strong security measures.

Embracing this password sharing feature can simplify your digital life and help you focus on what’s truly important—connecting and sharing experiences with the people around you.

In this digital era, mastering such features helps us become more effective and efficient technology users. So, keep exploring, keep learning, and keep sharing, safely and securely.

We hope this guide has been helpful to you. As we continue to evolve with technology, may our connections with each other also deepen and grow. Thanks for joining us in this journey, and happy sharing!

Remember, technology is here to serve us, making our lives easier, more comfortable, and hopefully, a bit more exciting. So here’s to making the most of it. Cheers!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I share Wi-Fi passwords from my iPhone to other devices like Android or Windows?

The Wi-Fi password sharing feature we discussed is specifically between Apple devices, and it requires both devices to be running iOS 11 or later. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, this feature doesn’t support Android or Windows devices.

Does sharing my Wi-Fi password also give the other iPhone access to other personal information on my network?

No, sharing your Wi-Fi password doesn’t grant access to personal data stored on your iPhone or other devices on your network. However, any device connected to your network could potentially access shared files and resources, depending on your network’s security settings.

What distance should the iPhones be from each other for Wi-Fi password sharing to work?

For the password sharing feature to work, the iPhones should be close to each other. There isn’t a specific distance given, but Bluetooth range is generally about 30 feet (or 10 meters).

I’ve followed all the steps correctly, but I’m still having trouble sharing my Wi-Fi password. What should I do?

Try the troubleshooting steps we discussed earlier in the guide. If those don’t help, consider contacting Apple Support for further assistance.

Is it safe to share my Wi-Fi password like this?

As long as you’re sharing with people you trust, it’s generally safe to share your Wi-Fi password this way. Apple has implemented safety measures, like requiring the recipient’s Apple ID to be in your contacts. However, you should still follow good security practices, like changing your Wi-Fi password regularly.